After a week of soaring temperatures today the heavens opened and finally we've had some relief from the stifling heat. We spent the day mostly indoors while a storm raged outside. Alba was busy again practising her scissor skills by making clothes for all of her teddies. I love to simply observe her as she works. I'm careful not to intervene so everything she makes is completely her own idea, her own work. With all the pretty craft ideas on Pinterest it's tempting to suggest some of them to her but it's so much more interesting seeing her follow her own inspiration. She is always so proud of the finished article, satisfied in the knowledge that it is completely hers.

One of the things I love about summer is not having to spend so much time cooking! Our lunches these days mostly consist of cold pasta salad, prosciutto and melon, fresh fruit. I'm very lucky that my father-in-law grows plenty of vegetables for the whole family so we have a great supply of fresh tomatoes, courgettes and aubergines. In the winter I enjoy making soups and stews but it's so nice in the summer just to be able to pull a few things out of the fridge and eat them, no cooking involved.
By the end of the afternoon the rain had stopped and we managed to escape for a quick walk. It was so refreshing to be out and enoy the cooler air after everything had had a good soaking of rain. Mirryn looked confused as I dressed her in a light cardigan. She's not worn much more than a nappy for weeks! Alba picked this nice posy of flowers during our walk, perfect to brighten the place up on a grey afternoon.
Happy Monday everyone,
Sarah Elizabeth