The 15th August in Italy is 'Ferragosto', a holiday dating back to Roman times when they would celebrate the 'Feriae Augusti' in the middle of August, days of rest after a period of intense agricultural labour. In our village it is celebrated with a big dinner in the village square followed by music and dancing then a bonfire and fireworks. People stay up all night to welcome in the day of Ferragosto and then everyone enjoys cappucini and cornetti for breakfast at dawn. We didn't make it to dawn and so missed the breakfast but we made up for it by having another huge meal with family later in the day. Then we spent the afternoon at the nearby lake, visiting the little island, Isola Polvese, in the middle. That night there was a huge storm and so now the weather is finally cooler and there is the first hint of autumn in the air. The next few weeks we're going to be preparing for a 2 month long trip to Scotland and enjoying the last of the summer sun.
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend Love Sarah Elizabeth x
Sounds like a fun celebration! Not sure I'd be able to stay up all night though either!! How exciting to have your upcoming holiday to look forward to. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier... so lovely to see someone is still reading!! Are you on Instagram at all? xx
Oh! I was just going to look up Ferragosto for a post I am going to write this afternoon. It sounds lovely. And hooray for a two month trip to Scotland!! I will really look forward to those posts as well. I have only been once for a wedding but felt right at home there. :)
Hi, I'm Sarah Elizabeth, a Scottish girl living her dream in Umbria, the 'green heart' of Italy with my Italian husband and our wonderful brown-eyed girl. This blog is our family's story of leading a simple and green life in the beautiful Italian countryside.
Sounds like a fun celebration! Not sure I'd be able to stay up all night though either!! How exciting to have your upcoming holiday to look forward to. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier... so lovely to see someone is still reading!! Are you on Instagram at all? xx
Oh! I was just going to look up Ferragosto for a post I am going to write this afternoon. It sounds lovely. And hooray for a two month trip to Scotland!! I will really look forward to those posts as well. I have only been once for a wedding but felt right at home there. :)
Good to hear from you Amanda. Yes, I'm on Instagram sarahdouglas81 x
What a fun event!
I bet you're looking forward to 2 months in Scotland! I hope the midges will be on the wane by then. :)
Two months in Scotland sounds like my idea of Heaven. I hope to be able to visit some day soon.
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