Next thing on the list is to do my Christmas clean and put up my Christmas decorations. At the moment we are living in an appartment in Matteo's parents' house which we share with his sister and her boyfriend (it's cosy!). This is not an ideal sitiation but we need to save money for the house renovation. His family don't really go in for Christmas decorations so I'll have to limit my decorating to our bedroom. I like using as many decorations from nature as possible and last year I collected loads of pinecones from the nearby woods. I just put them in a big basket with some greenery and some tea lights and they looked amazing. Here are some pictures of last years decorations when we lived in a beautiful appartment in the centre of Perugia. (sorry about the poor photo quality)

Also on the list is Christmas card making. Every year I decide to make my own Christmas cards and then never get round to it so this year is going to be the one I actually do it. I just need to find some inspiration.
Hopefully after all of this I'll still have time to put my feet up next to the fire with a cup of tea and finish off some of the Christmas presents I'm knitting.
Have a good weekend x