I know that we are almost in February but it's taken me all this time to work out what my New Years resolutions are. Every year I make elaborate plans for what I want to achieve in the year and I never ever stick to them.Last year I wrote about 5 pages in my journal full of plans to lead a healthier, greener, more organised life. I think I was setting unobtainable goals. So, this year I've decided to make it more simple. I've written a list of 12 things that I have to do at least once every week. All of the things will help me towards my bigger goals but in smaller, easier steps. This is a big year for me, I'm getting married, renovating a house and possibly helping to open a new school. Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by all of this and that's why I need to keep to my little 'bitesized' weekly tasks. Here they are:
1. Write at least one blog post.

2. Try out one new activity / song / game at school.

3. Read for at least 1 hour.

4. Go for a walk.

5. Cook a new dish.
6. Spend at least 1 hour crafting.
7. Skype with family.
8. Go out for a drink.
9. Do housework (not the usual every day stuff but something that will make a difference to my flat such as cleaning out a cupboard or reorganising my wardrobe)
10. Visit the house we are renovating to check on progress
11. Have a long lie.
12. Treat myself. (only if I've completed all of the tasks for the week before)
My big projects of the house, wedding and school have whole other lists of things that need to be done every week. However, this list is about being more organised with my time and making sure I fit in all the things I enjoy doing such as going out for walks or reading. It's all too easy just to slump in front of the TV after a stressful day but that's what I want to avoid.
I hope that by writing this list on my blog it will push me into sticking to my resolutions this time!
(Sorry, I ran out of steam with the photos after number 4. I find it really difficult and time consuming to put photos in my post. They always go in at the start of the post, before the text and it's really difficult to move them round after that. Any tips?)