was given this tag by the lovely Signe of Signe Pling. I love Signe's blog, she always posts such dreamy and beautiful pictures. At the moment she's having a lovely giveaway so I recommend you hop on over to her blog for a look around.
So, here are my 4 things:
4 Shows I watch
This is a tough one as I don't watch TV really apart from the occasional film. So, instead I'll tell you the last 4 films I watched.
1. A Single Man
2. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
3. Disney's Cinderella
4. The Reader
4 Things I'm passionate about
1. Books
2. Dancing and music (I wish I was a ballerina but for now I'm content with having a weekly dance class in our village)
3. Crafting - knitting, crocheting, sewing.......
4. Green living
4 Phrases I say a lot
1. What?! (when I don't understand what someone is saying to me in Italian)
2. Sit down and listen please! (to my little students at school - I must say this at least 100 times a day)
3. Si! (My response to most questions asked by my Italian family - a lot of the time I don't really understand and I just answer 'si')
4. Che schiffo! (This means 'how disgusting' in Italian. I use this phrase a lot but just because I like the way it sounds not because I find anything disgusting.)
4 Things I've learned from the past
1. If you want something in life you have to go out and get it for yourself.
2. Happiness is in no way related to the amount of money you have
3. Life is short - we have to appreciate it while we can but at the same time not take it too seriously.
4. I'm my own worst enemy
4 Places I'd like to go - I think it would be easier to list the places I'd not like to go! I travelled a little bit when I was younger but the past few years have been spent travelling between Scotland and Italy. There are still so many places that I'd like to go but these are the first 4 that come to mind.
1. Australia
2. Nepal
3. Finland
4. Zambia
4 Things I did yesterday
1. Ate a lot of cheese
2. Did some knitting by the fire
3. Watched A Single Man
4. Listened to BBC Radio 2 online (I've just recently made the fabulous discovery that I'm able to listen to UK radio online!)
4 Things I'm looking forward to
1. Going home to Scotland for the holidays
2. Christmas
3. Going sledging
4. Mince pies and mulled wine
4 Things I love about winter
1. Wrapping up in warm winter woolies and going out into the cold.
2. Coming back inside to a roaring fire and mug of steaming hot chocolate.
3. Christmas
4. Eating hot soups and stews
4 Things on my wish list
1. A puppy
2. A new roof on the house we are renovating
3. A piano
4. Plane tickets to Australia
(Hope you are reading this Santa Claus!)
And finally pass the tag onto 4 other bloggers
Thank you Signe for tagging me.
Thank you also to International Woman of Mystery for awarding me this......

Hope you all have a lovely Christmassy week x x